A root canal treatment or root canal therapy is a sequence of treatments for the severely damaged tooth with an infected living tissue which is also known as pulp and to eradicate the infection slowly but totally and protect and neutralize the tooth from future micro-bacterial re-occurrence.
When the tooth is infected it is very painful and the infection can progress the root and below it, forming an abscess or periodontal diseases. We have endodontists (a dentist who performs RCT), who with the help of current technologies will provide you with the best treatment with a valuable advantage.
The procedure might take a while to decontaminate the tooth but with the advancement of technology, Root Canal Treatment (RCT) can be done in a single sitting too which may take for a hour or so. In case there is any abscess underneath the root, then there might be a need of another sitting, but mostly it is done in single sitting with an effect one hour procedure which is seen more comfortable for the patient and beneficial to save time for the patient then to visit the clinic every time. We confirm respect the patients time and we start the procedure immediately after a through diagnosis.
In the procedure when the pulp is taken out the tooth, it becomes non-vital (no blood supply) which means dead. A prolong damage or any trauma resulting from accidents to the tooth may result in the affect of the pulp, it can also discolour the tooth and make it non-vital. The common causes of a severely damaged tooth are either fracture tooth, a deep cavity, very deep filling close to the nerve, any faulty treatment, or improper RCT treatment, for those who underwent improper RCT treatment we offer root canal retreatment.
In the absence of a root canal treatment of a severely damaged tooth, the patient might need to remove the tooth in future. A root canal treatment is more of a reposed therapy and is less expensive than tooth replacement treatment. A well-treated tooth can last a life time, however, a regular visit to Bluetooth Dental Clinic is required to analyze any further problem to the tooth and the surrounding tissue.
The treatment may also fail due to not maintaining the oral hygiene or not performing the treatment properly by the dentist or due to any systemic cause.
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